
Caring for each other and for those around us is an important part of our Christian life, following the example of Jesus Christ. We offer this care to the community through our many services, ministries, activities and through prayer and personal contact.  And we never underestimate the power of prayer in the situations we come across – our experience tells us that prayer changes things, and God often transforms things to bring good out of bad.

If you or someone you know needs help, please look at the pastoral care section below.

If you want to know more, please contact the ministry team or follow up the links on those pages

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Visits

In addition to our ministers, we have a trained team of Pastoral Visitors who are available to visit on a more regular basis anyone who finds themselves lonely or housebound, or just wants to talk. Call  Barbara Hoy on 01487 840523 or Amelie Legge on 07765220346 if you would like to know more,  or just to talk.  Alternatively you can send an email to

Ill or in hospital?

If you are ill or you know someone from the parish who is ill or in hospital, please let the ministry team know and then visits can be arranged if that is what is desired. We like to support both the person who is sick and also their family. We can also add names to our weekly prayer list, but please check with the person first.

Holy Communion and/or anointing are available for anyone who is sick and would like this. It can be comforting to be anointed before facing surgery. It brings comfort and peace.

Communion at residential homes

We hold regular visits/ communion services at Brookfield Care Home and can visit others.  Let us know if someone you know is making a move into residential care there, so that we can visit them and help them settle in.

Bereavement support

If someone who is important to you, family or a friend has died and you would like comfort and support please feel free to contact us. The Clergy are available at any time. Do not think you are troubling us, we know too how difficult it is when someone dies.

We also have two Bereavement or Remembering groups that meet over coffee each month. They are an opportunity to share good times or sad times with each other and we light a candle and say a prayer for the person who has died.

The Ministry Team and the Pastoral Care Team are available to support you for as long as you feel the need.

Please contact the ministry team if you or someone you know would like help in any of these ways.